PUBG Addiction | PUBG Mobile is getting banned in India

PUBG Mobile,

name of this latest online video game is efficient to remind you lot of memories, lot of things and that virtual chicken dinner. This Tancent Games and Bluhole corporations' video game is making Indian youth addicted to video games and mobile. Parents as well as education systems are now wanted to get rid of this game because students are not giving attention in study, students are wasting their lot of time in playing PUBG Mobile. According to recent survey 7 out of 10 teenagers are playing PUBG Mobile and every 2nd teenager out of 10 is addicted to this online video game. In this post I'm going to explain each and every reason why Governments of some states in India have been banned PUBG Mobile, why are taking such steps in 21st century?
PUBG Mobile

According to teenagers, they are getting addicted to that virtual chicken dinner because they are getting pleasure from it. Can you answer, whether it is pleasure or happiness? Happiness is a feeling that they will experience when they uninstall that game from their smartphones and get out of that addiction. Teenagers are getting pleasure while playing but this is not happiness, they are just suffering from inside, they are regretting each and every instant while playing PUBG Mobile. Is regret happiness? A life filled with regrets and only regrets, is this a happy life? It's a prison where you get hinge, a place where you can neither stay nor leave. Teenagers are getting trapped in that addiction like mice get trapped. Do you know how we use rat trap? Do we add his favourite food? Obviously a food that will attract rats. This is pleasure and Every pleasure works in a same way. Not only teenagers, each and every person is trapped in this world. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Internet, etc there are unlimited traps around you, how can you save yourself from that traps and from how many?
PUBG Mobile

Let's become more specific PUBG Mobile -
There might be no one who have not any idea about PUBG, but is there any one, for them PUBG means Player Unknowns BattleGrounds is a online video game which is made by Korean company Bluehole in association with a island developer Brendan Greene. PUBG Mobile was released in December 2017, but it become popular in May-June 2018.  Not only the Indian Youth, but people all over the globe love to play this game, though the PUBG PC is not that popular as the mobile version of it is because of the downloading issues and complex gaming controls and all. The following are the reasons for PUBG Mobile to be a craze this days:-

  • Free to Play - PUBG was a paid game until it was launched for Android and it was kept completely free. Henceforth, the game became popular and top grossing in the Google playstore. Though it has some in-app purchases but it is not necessary to buy them.
  • Cheap and fast internet - If you carefully observe, people used to spend 1 GB of data per month. Now, Jio has made it possible to have 1–1.5 GB of data per day. Every other teenager has a smartphone and data loaded on his phone.
  • A great combination of Counter Strike and GTA - Not only Graphics But also Story of game is combination of Counter strike and GTA, I would like to say better than that both games.
  • In-game Discussions - The ability to conversing with the teammates while playing the game is one of the most loved features. A typical group of friends consists of 3–4 members and this game makes them possible to squad up and enjoy the game together while talking.
  • Too easy to play - If you compare PUBG mobile to the real PUBG, it is very simple but with effective features. This enhances the confidence and boosts the interest of the player. Controls are well-organized.
  • Trending - This is an important reason. Everyone is talking about PUBG nowadays. Every YouTuber is streaming the same game. Every corner is occupied by squads competing. 
These are some quality specifications that was never given by any game before this.
But everything is changing now, to stop teenagers PUBG Mobile is banned by Governments. According recent news from News 18, Rajkot Police arrests 16 students for playing PUBG Mobile. This is not a only thing, in more than 6 cities of Gujarat including Surat, Vadodara, Bhavnagar [ Source is given below ]. 
PUBG Mobile players are asking to government that Extra martial affairs are legal in India, Cigarettes are legal in India, Tobacco and Gutkhas are legal in India, Gay sex is legal in India, Sex before marriage is legal in India then why playing PUBG is illegal in India. You'll be arrested if you are seen playing PUBG, is this fair? We are living in 21st century, more than 60% people of India are using 1.5 GB data per day then why are students restricted to play PUBG. Government should do something for this game addiction but this is not a best way. 
PUBG Mobile

How can you get out of PUBG addiction?

Let me tell you one thing, it's going to be very difficult, but believe me it's not impossible, if I can do everyone can do. Here are some tips that will help you :

  1. The most fool proof method is to give up your device . I do it myself and I can assure you it works . But u'll start playing once u get hold of the device again . Be warned .
  2. Ask your friends not to invite you to play . If they are your real friends they won't call you .
  3. Think about your goals in life . If you were that serious you wouldn't be playing .
  4. Root your device and block PUBG
  5. Don't recharge data and ask your friends not to provide hotspot (works in hostels)
  6. Library is the best place to loose yourself
  7. Watch Twitch for some Time instead of playing . It's provides the same kick and yes it's more entertaining. Watch shroud , lurn , skadoodle , chocotacco , drdisrespect or just9n to get started with.
  8. Se clips of fortnite and you'll see how bad PUBG mobile is.
  9. Try remembering your old hobbies.
  10. Start playing a musical instrument.

Sources :


  1. Cool! Your twitter link above is not working.

  2. Thanks for visiting sir, I have fixed that issue...Keep visiting, keep sharing love.

  3. Video game addiction is a problem in many places. I see so many teenagers who spend all night gaming and then fall asleep in class.
