6 Facts most Indians didn't know
1] Computer & Mobile screen rays may lead to vision loss & macular degeneration
“This is like a poison for the eyes”. A scientist from the University of Toledo found that the rays of computer & laptop have a toxic reaction to the eyes. White light is a mixture of all colors but out of those colors, the blue portion is the strongest and scatters the most. That is the reason the sky appears blue. Man created the computer & mobile screens and staring at those screens from a close range of 1–2 feet. Utmost level of care must be exercised in front of screens. Some of the tips are below:-
- Follow 20 min–20 sec–20 min rule - As per the worldwide ophthalmologists the best way to take care of the problem of digital eye strain is by looking at an object placed at least 20 feet away (approx twice the distance of you & ceiling) for at least 20 seconds and repeat this in every 20 minutes
- Wear computer glasses with amber lenses - Zebriana in India and Pixels in the USA are two prominent brands of computer eyeglasses. This is one of the best ways to combat the digital eye strain. National Instt of Health said in a research that amber lenses have the ability to block the blue light and also they improve sleep. Most of the techies wear eyeglasses with amber lenses only.
I live in India and have used Zebrianabrand of protective computer eyewear. Pixel brand is good for those who live in the USA.
- Enlarge your screen font size & position your screen - Smaller the text, difficult for the eyes to focus. Make sure you adjust the screen text font size as per your eye comfort. In windows OS, you may simple right click and go to Display settings to enlarge the screen text size.
2] Real songs are sung by unreal singers
“Even a dog can sing nowadays”. This is what singer Abhijit Bhattacharya said in an interview. Some of you already know this but many do not know that in the era of technology, anybody can sing and anybody can record a song album. Even you, even at this moment, even if you have a cold and I am dead serious. You no longer require much practice and results will be outstanding. If you ask the difference between old school singers and today’s singers, the answer will be that most of the modern day singers do not practice much. Most of the times they try to bury their voices within the music. Autotuner is a software that can make your singing sound like a professional. Such tactics can fool your ears but will never reach your soul. There are certain singing apps like Smule and star-maker that you can try to sound like a professional singer. It automatically raise and lower your voice and you sound nice.
3] This is how you get illegal branded stuff in India’s streets
Just have a look around where you are sitting and enjoying this blog. There must be many objects around you. For Ex:- fan, heater, clothes etc. We all know that India is a consumption market and most of the things are imported from foreign countries like China, the US etc. Whenever someone imports articles of merchandise, he pays certain taxes & duties. Import duty and GST raise the product cost by up to 30-50%. Now, in order to avoid this import cost, most of the medium & large scale importers go for the illegal route. They hand over the cash to a nearby Hawala agent and that agent contacts his foreign counterpart to provide those funds to the foreign Seller. Now that the seller has the money, he ships the goods to India. Those untaxed & illegal goods enter into India through seaports and get delivered in trucks to the importer. Needless to say that corruption plays a vital role in this entire process. The current government has certainly taken many steps to curb corruption, for ex: the introduction of e-Way bill etc but still, there is a lot to be done. So now you must have understood that how those street vendors have those branded t-shirts/ shoes and that too for just INR 150–200. This is just a tip of the iceberg. Even precious items like Gold etc also get imported without paying any duty or tax. Do you still wonder why shopkeepers don’t give you the bill? Well, when they officially did not buy anything so what would they mention in the bill?
4] Women surrogate womb and companies surrogate brands
We certainly know that women rent their womb but do we know that companies also apply a similar technique? Have you ever seen advertisements for alcohol brands in India? Cable Television Network (Regulation) Amendment Bill which came to effect in the year 2000, prohibited the advertisement of alcoholic beverages. Things did not end. Those companies found a new way which is called surrogacy advertising. Have you seen that particular TV advertisement of a famous alcohol brand that promotes Cassettes & CDs?
I know an alcohol brand that talks about its packaged drinking water product but the revenue by drinking water of that brand does not constitute even 2% of the total sales.
5] This fake ladies underwear is the new fashion trend
Did you notice the bottom shape of her panty in the photo above? Hold on, that is not due to her vagina. It is because she has worn a special panty (also known as Camel Toe) inside that pink panty. The purpose of this divine effort is to appear more seductive by showing off the shape of the vulva in order to gain public attention. This is made up of silicon or thick fabric sewn within real underwear. Most of the ladies may find it embarrassing to show off their vulva in public but it is the latest beach fashion adopted by the young girls in many countries. Although, I avoid giving my personal opinion but I think there is a thin line between freedom and obscenity that needs to be respected.
6] Sagging pants fashion actually originated in the US prison system

This is an outdated fashion now but was very popular among the male youth 10 years back and may lead to nostalgia. In this fashion, the top of the trouser was usually at the middle of the hips to make the underwear visible. Hip hop singers made this fashion even more popular. Sagging was actually originated in the Prison systems of the US where waist belts are sometimes prohibited due to security reasons. 10 years back I used to work in a call center and could not hold my laugh when one of my colleagues came to the office by wearing Sagging jeans. Then a girl next to me rose her eyebrow at me saying guys look so cool in this. Various songs like “Pull Your Pants Up-2007” were also made to ridicule this strange fashion. It is also claimed that wearing sagging pants was a secret signal to inmates prisoners that the person has been used by other men and is open to being used by other guys. I am personally not against any fashion but just putting the facts before you for better understanding.
So which one of the above points you already knew?
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