AURA Energy | Evidence and Colour meanings

We are made up of energy, AURAs are electromagnetic fields around our body! 

Hey, welcome back to Healthy Medlife, this post will be about, something I find so interesting and I hope you find it interesting also! Let's start with what Wikipedia says - Basically, tiny electrical impulses in our body results in the formation of a magnetic field around our body also known as Aura.
Aura Energy

Just like it surrounds our human body, it also surrounds every object and being in the universe. Since everything in this universe is made up of the same constituent particles such as protons, electrons and neutrons that means everything has an aura. Your aura represents your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies and reflects. The individual state of consciousness coming from that color of the aura give us information about emotions, thoughts and abilities. In the vital energies of that person the aura is often seen as a mix of colored frequencies, where each color defines its own individual nature and characteristics. 
Aura Energy and It's Colour meaning

The history of Auras goes far back into the past and different tribes painters and artists of all ages have shown the aura in a radiant, shining ray of lights around a plant, human being or an object. It's thought that long ago people were actually able to see for its advanced spiritual people such as Buddha, Christ and their immediate students were painted with golden hellos around their head and in Australia. You can actually find prehistoric cave paintings with people with golden halos around their heads. The interesting thing is that, this information, which can be perceived by sensitive psychic people has actually been proven scientifically in the last decades, modern scientists measure the Aura as an electromagnetic field around living creatures in scientific research. We have found that the extends all around our body in four to five feet approximately which converts to about one meter to one and a half meters around an average healthy point, however the interesting thing is that it appears to be depleted if a person is unwell or unhealthy. A person who is healthy at his physical mental emotional and spiritual levels appears to have a bigger and brighter aura.
So from this we can conclude that the air of a person directly links to their health of the person , what I found out while I was doing my little research for this post is that we all have different layers in our area which some people like to call subtle bodies so we have different Subtle bodies, we have our physical body who have emotional body, mental body spiritual and our strong body the physical body is as you can imagine contains all the physical organs and our nerve system molecules cells and so on just like the building the physical building blocks for our physical existence these organs carry out the necessary function of our body like purifying the blood and supplying it to different body systems and organs in our second layer of the body which is known as the emotional body. We store up our emotional responses such as love, jealousy, hatred loneliness, sadness. All the emotional feelings in the third layer of the aura which is our mental body we store up all our past experiences beliefs and memories. Our conscious mind usually operates on this level continuously, analyzing the situations using our beliefs this  belief systems memories and past experiences and then finally accepting or rejecting the situation in the fourth layer of our aura. The spiritual body stores information of our past, present and future experiences and this is the layer of your aura which stores the information about your karma and a post about karma will be coming soon....
Aura Energy and It's Colour meaning

The astral body is the fifth layer of our area and is sometimes known as the etheric body or sometimes there's Eric double or the others copy of our physical body just like we have a heart to lungs to kidneys. We also have all the same amount of organs in our dark body, except it doesn't exist in physical form, but it exists in a form of subtle energy even if the physical organ is removed from the physical body the energy imprint is always there in your etheric body. I also found quite an interesting theory which suggests most of the healing which is intended to be done in your physical body is first received on your astral body. The healing is done on the intended parts of the astral body  and then the new information or energy imprint is sent down to your physical body. I'm not claiming this theory to be true, but it makes a lot of sense to me and it's just really interesting to think about so all in all our ore is made up of five basic layers out of which we're only able to see the first the physical layer with our own ice because it vibrates at a much lower and denser vibrations rate and on the other hand or of our other bodies vibrate on a higher frequency. However it's possible to capture the other four bodies that we can't see with our own eyes by using special equipment and it has been done before the research on capturing this subtle energy field using electronic instruments was started by Semyon Davidovich Kirlian which I believe is Russian scientists go Russia, he accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a source of high voltage the small Corona discharges create an image. It was found that objects that are not alive, do not change the parameters of their aura more than 2%, leaving objects I mean not leaving objects, but living beings, however I can change their orange dramatically quickly, and the simple thought or emotion and physical state of being, of course, can change your aura straightaway. A major series of experiments of a team of scientists in Saint Petersburg, Russia demonstrates that or or the human body continues to change for almost exactly 72 hours after clinical death. 
It also appears that auras of people who interact with minerals drugs or crystals can also change significantly so what does the aura actually look like the aura is normally perceived as an oval-shaped area around the person normally has some kind of a glossy brighter finish to it and sometimes textures and vibrations can also be perceived in this area. Colors are common perceptions, although some people may only see white brightness and you can basically say our aura is our spiritual signature. When you see a person with a bright green or a you almost be 100% sure that that person has good intentions and is spiritually advanced. When you see person with a gray or dark aura you can almost be sure that that person has not so good intentions regardless of how impressive, good-looking or educated they might be appearing to you actually found plenty of aura color meanings which I'm going to mention, colors have meanings like we all associate colors with meanings and like hell how it almost makes me think that colors do you have some type of energy to them. I mean we all collectively think that blue is a calm color and we all collectively think that orange, for example, is a very brave, passionate color like how do we all collectively think the same thing about colors, it's just a color anyway feel free to like comment below what you think about that is fascinating
so first let's start with red and different shades of bread or a meanings red or a clear meaning relates to the physical boy heart or circulation is the densest color so it creates the most friction deep red means rounded realistic active strong willpower survival oriented muddied red means anger, clear red means powerful energetic, competitive and passionate. 
Aura Energy and It's Colour meaning

Pink, bright and light means loving, tender sensitive, sensual artistic affectionate pure and compassionate, dark and murky pink means immature or dishonest orange, red signifies confidence and creative power in a good bright and pure state red energy cancer as healthy ego orange aura color relates to the reproductive organs and emotions. it's the color of vitality good health and excitement people who have orange color in their aura signifies that they have lots of energy and stamina they're creative, productive and venturous they have lots of courage they have an outgoing nature, however they also may signify that they're currently experiencing stress related to appetites and addictions orange, yellow colored aura means creative intelligent detail-oriented perfectionist and scientific. 
Yellow aura relates to the spleen and life energy it's the color of awakening inspiration intelligence and people have a yellow colored or often creative, playful optimistic and easygoing light or pale yellow means emerging psychic and spiritual awareness optimists and hopefulness bright lemon yellow means you're struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship and have fear of losing control. 
Clear gold, metallic shiny and bright aura signifies spiritual energy and power that person is awakened and inspired dark brownish yellow or gold signifies someone who's straining themselves their type they have been studying or working lot green or color relates to your heart and lungs, it's a very comfortable healthy color of nature when seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance and most of all something that leads to change bright emerald green means a healer, and love centered person yellow, green means you are creative with your heart and you're very communicative dark or muddy forest green means jealousy resentment feeling like a victim of the world blaming self or others insecurity and low self esteem turquoise relates to the immunes that person is sensitive, compassionate healer and a therapist blue aura colour relates to your throat in your thyroid gland and it's very cool, calm and collected to color.
Aura Energy and It's Colour meaning

The person who has a blue aura color is usually caring, loving loves to help others sensitive and intuitive soft blue means peacefulness clarity of communication and intuition bright royal blue means highly spiritual nature very generous on on the right path dark or muddy blue means fear of the future fear of self-expression fear of fixing and speaking the truth. 
Indigo or a color relates to your third a visual and pituitary life, it's a color of intuition and very sensitive, deep fear violence or a color relates to your crown Chakra Pineal gland and nervous system, it's the most sensitive and wisest colors of the aura. It's very intuitive color people who have  violent aura are intuitive, visionary futuristic idealistic, artistic lavender aura color means imagination daydreaming and etheric nature. 
Silver or a color signifies abundance both physical and spiritual bright metallic silver is receptive to new ideas intuitive and nurturing dark and muddy gray means residue of fear is accumulating in the body with a potential for health problems, especially if great clusters seen in specific areas of the body. Gold aura color is the color of enlightenment and divine protection. Now on to black the way we see black is that it's not even a color, it's a shade, it's something that just consumes light, it's we see black because it doesn't have lights in it if you know what I mean so when you see black in an aura it basically signifies the same thing it captures light usually indicates long-term unforgiveness grief and even entities within the person's body, white is the opposite of black so when seen in the aura obviously has a completely opposite meaning why it basically reflects other energy. It's a pure state of light and it often represents new not yet designated energy in the body. If a person has a white aura it represents spiritual if they're ink and non-physical qualities high dimensions purity and angelic qualities. 
Earthy aura colors represent love for the earth the person who is grounded a very nurturing person pastels are sensitive blends of color and light and the person has a pastel aura often needs serenity and shows sensitivity. Dirty brown means you're holding on to energies and it shows insecurity and dirty gray means you're blocking energies this is it for the colors and this is it for this post. I really hope you learnt something new or as is definitely really fascinating.
Aura Energy and It's Colour meaning

knowing that it's not just something that someone made up it exists, it's electromagnetic energy that has been proved by science, there are photos of it. leave your thoughts in the comments, comment below if you can send feel or see or as yourself because I might even make a post about how to see auras because I personally can't but I know that it's possible for some people which I find really interesting I hope you have a good day and I will see you in my next post


  1. I had no idea about what is Aura actually before reading this , thanks for sharing ...

  2. This is such an interesting phenomena! I never knew the idea of auras has such a long history, pretty cool!

  3. I love this! How interesting. I'd love to know how to align my energy as well.

  4. Wow, such an interesting article. Such a knowledgeable post about Aura and colors meanings.

  5. I have read a novel - The Celestene Prophesy, and it discusses the same concept.

  6. I wish I could see auras. I wonder what color mine is and what colors the rest of my family has. Thanks for such an interesting article.

  7. I've always been interesting auras and energy. I always wanted to get mine read or be able to see it.

  8. I'd love to know what mine is, so interesting!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
